At our website Nulltheme.Net, we know how your privacy is important to us. Therefore, we never ask about your confidential information like your phone number, passwords, account number etc. You can freely visit to our website without informing us who you are? We collect your general information during navigation on the site like your IP address, browser type and Operating System. We are promising you that, we will never share or sell your information to any third parties under any circumstances, unless ordered by the court of law (to protect against misuse or unauthorized use of our website).
This website has also security measures to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. We do offer secured-server transactions that encrypt your data.


Cookie is string of information that any website stores on visitor’s computer. Each time the visitor requests a page with a browser, server will send the cookie too. Cookie is often used to identify a user. Because when a user visits any website again and again, then cookie allows a website’s server to identify and track that user when it visit to the site. Nulltheme.Net visitors, if they don’t wish to have cookies placed on our computers can disable the cookies before visiting to our website.

Security at Nulltheme.Net 

As we have mentioned that we don’t share or sell your personal information with any third party. On our website, we have tried to keep the best and safest information with link included of other websites for your use and reference. We are not responsible for the privacy policies on these websites.

Changes to the Privacy Policy 

Nulltheme.Net reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this privacy policy time to time. Your continued use of this site after any changes in this privacy policy will constitute your acceptance of such change. Nulltheme.Net visitors should frequently visit this page for any changes to the privacy policies.
If you have any queries about this privacy statement or the practices of this website, you can contact us via our contact us form or email us at

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